1.You can't teach an old dog new tricks.老狗学不了新把戏,比喻积习难改。

  2.His bark is worse than his bite.刀子嘴豆腐心。

  3.fight like cats and dogs.像猫和狗一样打架

  4.under the weather.心情不好

  5.go through a rocky period.进入艰难时期

  6.miss the point.没抓住重点。

  7.crash the party.擅闯派对。

  8.to be in the loop. 消息灵通

  9.out of shape.走形,不健康

  10.survive the night.捱过这一晚

  11.take the shortcut.抄近道

  12.know the city like the back of her hand.她对这座城市了如指掌

  13.traffic is bumper to bumper.交通灰常拥挤

  14.talk to her one on one.和她单独谈话