


如(1)raise-bring up(抚养adopt 收养)foster (寄养)cultivate/nurture/foster/train(培养)。

如(2)众所周知,普遍认为:It is known to all that-As is known to all,-It is widely recognized that-It is generally identified that-It is universally acknowledged that.

如(3)某事情发展词汇扩展:snatch the bag-rob sb. of the bag(抢夺)-arrest-capture(抓捕)-suspect(嫌犯)-defendant(被告)-the wanted (通缉犯) -charge sb. With-accuse sb. of(指控)-bring a lawsuit against sb.(诉讼)-try sb.(审判)-sentence sb. to 2 years.



如(1)“刚一…就…”Hardly / Barely /Scarcely had he…when he did…No sooner had he…than he…

如(2)最令、最让、最使,What matters / moves / puzzles most to us is that……(对/令我们最重要的/最感人的/最令人困扰的)学会举一反三,可应对各种句子的翻译。



如(1)铃声响起,孩子们像鸟儿一样冲出,涌进餐厅,结果发现饭是冷的,服务很差。When the bell rang, the kids who flew like birds rushed out to the dining hall, but they found that the food was cold and service was bad.(句子及用词没差错,但对高三学生而言,如果全用简单句来写内容的话,且没有句式变化,则让人感到句子平淡,没有美感)。改写:There went the bell, and out rushed the kids like flying birds into the dining hall, only to find food cold and service bad. (两次运用倒装,运用only to 连接后面的动词,再运用find sth done 结构,多方位的结构变化显示出学生有很强的语言运用的能力。)

如(2)发现一些书页缺少和里面脏兮兮的,我返回书店,结果却被粗暴地拒绝了。When I found that some pages of the book were missing and the pages were dirty inside, I returned to the book store, but I was rejected rudely.(逐词逐句翻译,句式变化少,显得呆板)。改写:Finding some pages of the book missing and dirty inside, I returned to the book storeonly to be rejected rudely.(分词伴随,find sth,done, only to do压缩句子的长度,使整个句式完美)。



如(1)象征着中华名族精神的长城,蜿蜒数千公里,翻越高山,穿越峡谷横跨平原。The Great Wall, symbolizing the spirit of Chinese, winds its way several kilometers, over mountains, through valleys and across plains.(两次运用分词分别做定语和伴随,后面用三个介词替代汉语的三个动词,写出长城巍峨气势)。

如(2)我脑海中理想的老师就应该是知识渊博、负有责任、容易相处并善解人意,幸运的是,她就是这样一位受同学们喜欢的老师。An ideal teacher in my mind should be knowledgeable, responsible, easygoing and understanding , luckily for us, such is a teacher as catches on with the students.(训练排比句的写作,使用such…as句式,使句子看上去更加优美,起到意想不到的效果)。

如(3)颇具声望的香港大学是世界著名大学之一,其拥有独立之精神、自由之思想、开拓与创新一直在引领我追逐这个梦。Hong Kong University with prestige is one of the most prominent ones in the world, which possesses not only the spirit of independence, freedom of thoughts but also its innovation and exploration, leading me to pursue my dream all the time。(with短语作定语,定语从句中穿插not only, but also并列连接汉语词组,句子简洁、优美)